President 2016-17 - Lois Heath
President-Elect - Gail Malay
Vice President - Don Klostermeier
Secretary - Tania Sobchuk
Treasurer - Maryanne Schulte
Past President - Gary Gray
Ed Weber - Coin Chair January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
Ken Konold - Term to expire June 30, 2017
Shane Delaney - Term to expire June 30, 2018
Jeanie Morgan - Term to expire June 30, 2018
Ken Moyer - Term to expire June 30, 2018
Bob Lueras - Term to expire June 30, 2019
Sharon Steinke - Term to expire June 30, 2019
The new board will need to appoint a director to fill the term to expire June 30, 2017, which was vacated by the election of Tania Sobchuk as Secretary.