
A significant change to our Adopt-A-Family program this year was the commitment to adopt one family for the entire year to enable them to reach a point where they could sustain themselves independently.  Lisa Fuhrman updated the club on actions taken to date to help our family - a single mother of three children.  She has one teenager and two small children. 


Prior to being adopted by our club, the family was moving frequently, living with other family members.  Frequently, the teenager was in a separate household from mom and the younger siblings.  They are now in their own place within walking distance of mom's job as well as shopping resources for necessities.  

All the families adopted by our club are carefully screened by the Salvation Army.  J C Penney was a new participating merchant for the holiday shopping.  They were extremely helpful.  They had five sales clerks and two check-out stations committed to our Adopt-A-Family shoppers.  They discounted the merchandise purchased by 25% allowing our dollars to stretch further.  

Funding to support the Adopt-A-Family program was provided by funds raised at last fall's Razor Raffle.