Assistant Governor Doug Browning was the featured speaker at the J une 20 installation banquet in the Bridgeview Room at Shugrue's.  He encouraged club members to go into the big tent of Rotary instead of just enjoying the side shows enjoyed by Rotarians in their local club activities.  As exciting as the side shows are, you haven't really enjoyed the circus until you experience the excitement of all the actiivities in the big tent!  Investing your time, talent and heart in International and District projects is where we learn what it is to go from being a club member to knowing what it is to be a committed Rotarian - wanting to make a difference in the world.
CLICK HERE to enjoy highlights of club activities during Lisa VanElla's  2014-15 term as Club President.  This video played as Rotarians gathered and were taking their seats for the installation dinner.  Visit the club's facebook page for more nostalgic postings by Gary Meyers.  
Gary Gray presented Lisa VanElla with her Past President's pin, and she gave him his President's pin.  Gary has attended Arizona's President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) twice as well as becoming a recent graduate of Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI).  He is well prepared to serve as our Club President in 2015-16.  
Gail Malay will serve as a "place holder" in the President Elect position until Lois Heath completes her 2015-16 term as Secretary when she will move up to serve as Club President in the 2016-17 Rotary Year, if ratified by the club.  Gary Kellogg and Brian Castle will again serve as Vice President and Treasurer.
Doug Hardy and Don Klostermeier will each begin their third and final year of their terms as directors.  Ken Konold and Tania Sobchuk (not present at the installation) will begin their second year of their three-year commitments to serve as directors.  Kim Hansen-Anderson will begin a three-year term as director and Foundation Chair.  Ken Moyer and Shane Delaney, who were not able to attend the banquet will begin their three-year terms as directors July 1.